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Center Activities

Applied Retail Track (ART) is a course co-created by students, faculty and corporate partners. The course links theory with practice and enables all three parties to learn from each other. To coordinate the activities in ART, it is built around the notion of Retail Clubs.

Antonia Ax:son Johnson Tutorial Program brings together resources addressing the pedological development of students, research, and practice. Ultimately, this unique ecosystem helps to develop, transmit, and establish existing developments at the frontier of retail research.

CFR Research School in Retailing strengthens CFR's position as a leader in the network of academic retail research, both nationally and internationally. The research school allows CFR to stay in touch and influence the next generation of retail researchers.

CFR Visiting Researcher Program attracts leading international researchers to CFR. The program engages international researchers in research, teaching, and outreach at CFR, SSE and in Sweden more broadly.

CFR Early Insight and CFR Research Forum link the retail industry with research at CFR, other departments and centers at SSE, as well as with a network of international retail scholars.

The Retail Management Alumni Network comprises current and future leaders of the retail industry and by inviting them to interact with their alma mater we integrate them in research and teaching activities that benefit the knowledge creation at CFR.

The CFR Course Note Series provides students and partners with brief overviews of current academic thinking on important topics and helps build visibility for the Retail Management program and CFR among students, educators, and practitioners.

European Quant Marketing Workshop. Supported by EMAC's Marketing Research SIG, Center for Retailing hosts the European Quant Marketing Workshop. This workshop series aims to help PhD students, junior researchers and everyone who are interested in doing and publishing quantitative marketing works, who seek inspirations, motivations, and possibilities to learn different quantitative models and methods.