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Jesper Edman

Meet Jesper - Associate Professor at Waseda University and PhD in Business Administration alum.

1. Why choose SSE if you want to become a researcher?

I think one of the unique aspects of SSE is that it offers the perfect balance between creative freedom, and rigorous academic results. Like other top Ph.D. programs, SSE has faculty trained in the latest theory and techniques, who aim to publish research in the top journals; consequently Ph.D. students are held to the highest global standards.  At the same time, SSE has a culture of asking big questions, encouraging creativity, and fostering unorthodox ideas.

2. What is the best thing about SSE if you are a PhD student?

In the department where I studied, getting a Ph.D. was not seen as a job but a calling, and PhD candidates were encouraged to develop their own unique contribution to theory. This approach resulted in research that wasn’t easy, but almost always pushed theoretical boundaries in new ways. If you’re curious about how the world works, like figuring out puzzles, and want a shot at doing something original that no one else has thought of, then a Ph.D. might be perfect for you. The hours can be long, but they’re flexible, and you don’t really have a boss in the traditional sense. If you’re intellectually curious, are constantly asking questions, and refuse to settle for simple answers, then there there is no better line of work.