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SITE Events

Webinar | Dimensions of well-being

2021-06-28, 10:40 - 2021-06-29, 16:00
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our well-being in many dimensions. Understanding how these dimensions interact and what factors influence the overall level of well-being can be instrumental in policy design today and in the process of recovery once the pandemic is over. With this in mind, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics and the FREE Network invites you to participate in an online academic workshop on 'Dimensions of well-being'.

Webinar | Strategies to opening up after the pandemic

2021-06-22, 10:00 - 12:00
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) in collaboration with the FREE Network is delighted to invite you to a webinar to share insights and knowledge on different strategies implemented in vaccination, opening up the borders and the socioeconomic aspects within Sweden, Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea region, and the Caucasus region.

Energy talk | Energy storage: Opportunities and challenges

2021-04-13, 12:00 - 14:00
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) would like to invite you to its 2021 SITE Energy Talk. This year’s SITE Energy Talk will be devoted to the economic and environmental effects of energy storage adoption.

Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic: Vaccination efforts in FREE Network countries

2021-02-11, 10:00 - 12:00
COVID-19 vaccination efforts are now starting in several countries around the globe and many believe that this is the way out of the pandemic crisis. The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) in collaboration with the FREE Network is delighted to invite you to a webinar to share insights and knowledge about how countries in Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea region, and the Caucasus region are handling the vaccination efforts against the COVID-19 crisis.

Webinar | Coronakrisen: geopolitiska konsekvenser

2020-06-01, 11:00 - 12:00
COVID-19 lamslår ekonomier och hotar folkhälsan i land efter land. Vilka globala politiska och ekonomiska maktförskjutningar ger coronapandemin upphov till? Hur påverkas utvecklingen av agerandet i USA, Kina, Ryssland respektive EU? Vilken roll spelar det internationella samfundet? Hur kan fattiga länder komma att drabbas?
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