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Abhishek Chhaparwal

Working with various companies and diverse business models, MSc in International Business alum and Manager at EY, Abhishek Chhaparwal is excited by understanding how different markets operate. His work requires him to perform complex analyses and communicate them in clear terms. Learn how SSE prepared Abhishek for this and why he thinks Stockholm is a perfect city!

Describe your role and what it is that you do overall and on a day-to-day basis.

I work as a due-diligence consultant in M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) and Private Equity (PE) transactions for Investment Funds and Corporate clients. A due diligence provides a chance for the buyers/investors to confirm their key deal assumptions and allows them to make an informed decision.

My day-to-day work involves delivering opinion on the historical performance of target companies by assessing and analyzing their financial metrics and fundamental KPIs. On the basis of this analysis, I then comment upon how the future performance of the company will develop. In various transactions, I have also assisted the buyers with other areas of the M&A process such as valuation, reviewing legal documents and negotiations.


What interested you about the field/company/role you are currently in?

The opportunity to learn and understand business models of different companies operating in diverse industries was the key reason behind my interest in the current field. During the past 18 months of my work experience, I have worked with a broad spectrum of companies in various industries ranging from high-growth technology businesses to heavy industrial groups, from fast-paced startups to blue-chip conglomerates. This experience has equipped me with the adaptability to understand multiple industries and collaborate with a diverse set of stakeholders while working on transactions.

On a broader level, M&A/PE transactions are crucial in shaping the future of any business in particular and industry in general. Every now and then we read about how a strategic investment from a corporate/PE fund in a target company expedited its growth and it later went on to become a very successful business. Hence, it is very energizing to be a part of such transactions and deliver opinion which is immensely valuable to the buyer/seller who is engaged in a process.


What excites you most about your work? What are the challenges of working as a senior analyst?

Getting to work with various companies which have diverse business models and to develop a general understanding on how markets operate excited me most about my work.

One of the challenges that comes with having such a dynamic profession is the ability to handle new challenges in every assignment. Due to this, it becomes imperative to possess a flexible mindset and adaptable perspective in dealing with various situations.

Another challenge is the ability to deal with complex information and deliver robust analysis in a short time frame. Transactions operate on tight deadlines which requires the professionals working on those projects to operate in a ring-fenced manner and to maintain their calm in stressful situations.

The most important part of the job is efficient communication. The outcome of hours and weeks of complex analysis needs to be communicated in crisp and clear terms in a manner that investors understand within a few minutes.


Where do you think your field is going in the next 5-10 years?

The field of transaction advisory is very nimble as it is designed to adapt with the changes in the projects that it supports. Hence, the direction of my field will develop very much along the lines of how the broader market develops.

Moreover, I foresee an increased use of sophisticated data processing, data analytics and data visualization tools which deliver new insights to decision makers.

Furthermore, with increased pace of digitalization and globalization there will be an increased number of cross-border M&A deals.


What was so appealing about SSE or the Masters in International Business when you were considering where to study? Or what was so appealing about Stockholm/Sweden?

The international recognition of the MIB program, the prospect to become a part of the CEMS network and the opportunity to work with and learn from a group of diverse and talented individuals. Our class had people hailing from 25 different nationalities who had diverse work experiences. All of this together with the meticulously curated courses made MIB a very appealing program.

Moreover, in my perspective Stockholm is a perfect city. It has all the upsides of living in a city right from the energetic vibes, plenty of opportunities and a great working culture. At the same time the city does not suffer from the usual drawbacks such as traffic, congestion etc. Having lived in big metropolitans in the past, living in Stockholm is one of the best experiences I have had so far. It has plenty of access to pristine parks and exotic museums, being a nature lover and an art fan, I have truly enjoyed all the aspects of Stockholm.


How did your time/education at SSE help guide you to the career journey you have embarked on?

My time at SSE has been the cornerstone of my experiences in preparing me for the career journey afterwards.

One of the many things that I learned during my time here was the skill and mindset of tackling complex problems and solving them as a team.

I also made friends with a great set of people and got to know professors who have been a constant support in guiding me on my professional journey. It is this guidance and motivation which has enabled me to push my boundaries and take my current career trajectory.

Lastly, SSE is like a cradle of opportunities where one can meet a wide set of companies and connect with professionals who work in multiple spheres. Through this, one can explore multiple opportunities and choose what fits best.


Following your time studying, do you have any words of wisdom or advice you would like to share with our current students? Or any specific advice for international students looking at studying at SSE?

From a long list of lessons that I have learned while studying at SSE, the most important that comes to my mind is to start ‘getting comfortable with being uncomfortable’ i.e. adaptability. For many of us who are changing countries (and even continents) there are a lot of things to absorb and lot of facets to understand. Moreover, problems might arise at every step of the process but the attitude of embracing uncertainties and having a positive mindset in dealing with setbacks takes one a long way.


What are three words that sum up your time at SSE?

Awesome, energetic and worth-it!