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Assortment Strategy at Clas Ohlson

Clas Ohlson's Retail Club had a workshop about assortment.

Nina Cronehag, Assortment Strategy Lead at Clas Ohlson, held a workshop about the
company's assortment and assortment strategy. The workshop commenced with Nina
explaining how the assortment is structured, the visions for certain categories and how she
works with assortment strategy in order to achieve these.

Then, the students were divided into groups, and each group were assigned their own product category. The groups discussed several questions and proceeded to present their findings to the whole class. Here, the students elaborated on what made their category special, what difficulties it potentially entails, and examples of new products that could be added to it. Lastly, the students discussed what types of sustainable convenience products Clas Ohlson can add to its assortment in general.

Linn Widjeskog & Sandra Jansson, Key Account Managers, Clas Ohlson's Retail Club

CFR Retail Retail Club