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New happiness course kicks off the academic year

02 September 2024
During two intense weekends in August, 256 newly admitted Bachelor students kicked off their academic journey with an intensive course in happiness and wellbeing. Organized by the Center for Wellbeing, Welfare, and Happiness (CWWH), the initiative aims to equip students with a mindset that will enhance their personal and academic lives, both during their time at SSE and in the future. 

SSE welcomed into CFA Institute University Affiliation Program

02 September 2024
SSE has become the latest university to be welcomed into the CFA Institute University Affiliation Program. The MSc program in Finance has been acknowledged as incorporating at least 70 percent of the CFA Program curriculum and placing emphasis on the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct within the program.

Gerda Mazi Larsson receives this year’s SSE MBA scholarship

30 August 2024
For the 18th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 645,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and Keystone Education Group and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

New research | Why Swedish healthcare ignored data on wait times

29 August 2024
A new study published in Information and Organization reveals that Swedish healthcare professionals frequently refrained from using data on patient wait times, which was meant to improve service efficiency. This research highlights the strategic ignorance and lack of engagement with digital technology introduced with the aim of improving organizational learning, explaining why such technology initiatives often fail to accomplish their official aims.

Vacancy: Operational IT Service Owner

27 August 2024
We are looking for an Operational IT Service Owner with interest in Network and Security.

New publication | Heterogeneity in effect size estimates

23 August 2024
The additional uncertainty due to choosing a population, a research design and an analysis path in empirical research introduce an additional layer of uncertainty that conservatively interpreted involves doubling reported standard errors and confidence intervals in published research. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in PNAS.

New report reveals Russia’s core shadow fleet, calls for strengthened sanctions

21 August 2024
A new analysis by the KSE Institute reveals critical insights into Russia’s shadow fleet, urging coalition governments to take immediate action against vessels circumventing sanctions.

New publication: Corporations and corporatism

21 August 2024
Swedish big business and the Harpsund conferences 1955–1962

New research | MiFID II unbundling did not boost mutual fund investor returns

21 August 2024
New research published in the Journal of Corporate Finance examines the impact of MiFID II's unbundling of research and execution costs on mutual fund investors, finding that investors did not significantly benefit from this regulatory change. This study uses early data from Sweden and highlights that unbundling did not lead to lower costs or improved fund performance for investors.

Elena Antonacopoulou wins the AMLE Decade Award!

19 August 2024