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Paper development workshop - advancing management theory with sports data

The Strategic Management Group at the Center for Sports and Business invites management scholars working with sports data to a two-day workshop in Stockholm (Sweden). For this workshop, we are now calling for papers - both early idea proposals and full papers - with submission deadline on March 28, 2024. More information below.

Paper Development Workshop

Advancing Management Theory with Sports Data

May 6-7, 2024

Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)


Call for Papers

Deadline for Submission: March 28, 2024

The Strategic Management Group at the Center for Sports and Business (Stockholm School of Economics) invites management scholars working with sports data to a two-day workshop in Stockholm (Sweden). The workshop’s goals are twofold. First, to help management scholars develop papers leveraging sports contexts. To do so, researchers with publishing experience using sports data and journal editors will provide developmental feedback on early ideas and working papers accepted for the workshop. Second, to develop and strengthen a community aiming at furthering management research using sports data. We plan to do so by discussing new directions for this line of research and providing the opportunity for exchange between senior and junior scholars (including PhD students) targeting top management journals with research leveraging sports data. The workshop welcomes scholars engaging with any field of management research, using either qualitative or quantitative approaches. Opportunities for networking and discussing future collaboration will be an integral part of the workshop program.

The variety of challenges and opportunities characterizing sports contexts make them a microcosm of society. Jointly with the high quality of data available in these contexts, this makes sports and sports organizations extremely attractive contexts for scholars seeking to advance management theory.

The workshop will start in the afternoon of Monday, May 6, 2024, and end in the early afternoon of Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Both early idea proposals and full papers are welcome. Submissions should include the title of the paper, authors’ name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number. Early idea proposals should be maximum three pages (double spaced, excluding references and tables).

Submission deadline is March 28, 2024.

Acceptances will be communicated within one week.

Please email your submission to Martin Carlsson-Wall (Stockholm School of Economics) on Martin.Carlsson-Wall@hhs.se.

Attendance is free for authors of selected papers (one per paper), includes all conference materials, accommodation for one night, coffee, lunch breaks, and a social dinner on May 6. Participants are required to organize their own travel to and from Stockholm.

We are excited to announce that Juliane Reinecke (University of Oxford) will deliver a keynote for this event.

About the Center: The Center for Sports and Business at Stockholm School of Economics is dedicated to fostering theory-developing research based on sports, sports organizations, and sports business data, with practical relevance for sports and business. Among other initiatives, since 2016 it has run a PDW on this topic at the Academy of Management Annual Conference. The Center affiliates 40 researchers from 19 universities in 11 countries and works with many of Sweden's large sports organizations through strategic partnerships. The following members of the Center will attend and organize the workshop: Martin Carlson-Wall(Stockholm School of Economics, Center Director), Felix Arndt (U. of Guelph), Paolo Aversa (King’s College), Fabrizio Castellucci (Bocconi U.), Fabio Fonti (NEOMA Business School), Thorsten Grohsjean (Bocconi U.), Massimo Maoret (IESE), Tom Moliterno (Vrije U. Amsterdam), Juliane Reinecke (University of Oxford), Jan-Michael Ross (Imperial College London), Dmitry Sharapov (Imperial College London).

For more information about the Center, see www.hhs.se/sport

Sports and Business