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FIRE receives grant from Jan Wallander & Tom Hedelius Foundation

Torkel Strömsten has received 2.5 MSEK from Jan Wallander & Tom Hedelius Foundation for further development of the Research School in Accounting, FIRE. Co-applicants were Bino Catasús (Stockholm University), Johnny Lind (Stockholm School of Economics) and Fredrik Nilsson (Uppsala University).

Despite accounting’s growing importance in companies and in society in general, there is a lack of qualified academic researchers within the different accounting areas. In order to stimulate the development of accounting as an academic field Stockholm School of Economics together with Uppsala University and Stockholm University decided in 2014 to form a research school in accounting. FIRE provides funding for PhD students in different accounting areas as well as PhD courses given by renowned international researchers. Furthermore, yearly workshops and seminars are organized by FIRE. From autumn 2017 Gothenburg University will join FIRE as a member university.