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HOI research | How AI is changing the future of research

01 October 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way research is conducted, from generating new ideas to drafting papers. A new study published in the Journal of Management Inquiry explores the benefits and challenges of using AI in academic research. This curated discussion highlights that while AI has the potential to enhance or harm the research process, it also triggers us to redefine and reconsider what authorship is and how research is performed.

HOI research | “Letting go” of old ideas can lead to more innovative visions

01 October 2024
According to a new study published in the Journal of Business Research, letting go of initial ideas is essential for creating innovative product visions. Researchers studied 26 top management teams to explore how teams develop novel ideas and found that the ability to abandon earlier concepts is just as important as adding new ones.

HOI research | Using platform thinking to revolutionize innovation management

18 September 2024
A new study explores how platform thinking and collaborative inquiry can address common challenges in innovation management, creating a dynamic, co-creative research environment. Published in the European Journal of Innovation Management, this study showcases a novel approach that integrates academic and practical applications to foster impactful change in organizations.

HOI research | Why Swedish healthcare ignored data on wait times

29 August 2024
A new study published in Information and Organization reveals that Swedish healthcare professionals frequently refrained from using data on patient wait times, which was meant to improve service efficiency. This research highlights the strategic ignorance and lack of engagement with digital technology introduced with the aim of improving organizational learning, explaining why such technology initiatives often fail to accomplish their official aims.

New publication | Heterogeneity in effect size estimates

23 August 2024
The additional uncertainty due to choosing a population, a research design and an analysis path in empirical research introduce an additional layer of uncertainty that conservatively interpreted involves doubling reported standard errors and confidence intervals in published research. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in PNAS.

HOI research | MiFID II unbundling did not boost mutual fund investor returns

21 August 2024
New research published in the Journal of Corporate Finance examines the impact of MiFID II's unbundling of research and execution costs on mutual fund investors, finding that investors did not significantly benefit from this regulatory change. This study uses early data from Sweden and highlights that unbundling did not lead to lower costs or improved fund performance for investors.

HOI research | Key scholars outline the future of innovation management research

15 August 2024
The 23 members of the editorial board of the Journal of Product Innovation Management, the most prominent journal on innovation management, have asked themselves: what is the future of innovation management? What new key issues are in front of leaders, and which new questions therefore researchers need to address. The result is an article, just published on JPIM, which outlines five future paths for innovation management research. This article aims to address the complex challenges of global innovation and the need for new frameworks to understand and manage technological and societal shifts.

New publication | Computational Reproducibility in Finance: Evidence from 1,000 Tests

14 August 2024
The exact same results could only be computationally reproduced 52% of the time based on the researchers’ code for more than 1,000 tests of six research questions in empirical finance. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in the Review of Financial Studies.

HOI research | Small business networks boost digital tech adoption

05 August 2024
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are part of business networks are more likely to adopt non-disruptive digital technologies, enhancing their operations and competitiveness. Published in Technological Forecasting & Social Change, this new study highlights how dynamic capabilities within these businesses facilitate this tech adoption.

HOI research | Women entrepreneurs in family businesses in the Gulf break barriers

01 July 2024
A new study explores how women in Bahrain's family businesses overcome barriers and use their agency to drive success. Published in the International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, this research highlights the unique challenges and enablers that support women entrepreneurs in the Gulf States.
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