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Financial aid to Ukrainian reconstruction: Loans vs grants

01 May 2022
This brief provides an overview of the discussion on the relative merits of grants and loans in the literature on foreign aid, including a short section on debt relief initiatives. These claims are then tested against the context of Ukrainian post-war reconstruction, and it is argued that the case for providing grants is very strong. This argument is based on the magnitude of the investments needed, the need to create a long-run sustainable economy, the road towards a future EU membership, and the global value of a democratic and prosperous Ukraine as a bulwark against autocratic forces.

Highlights from the event "Support the future of Ukraine"

21 April 2022
The world is darkened by Russia´s terrifying and tragic war against Ukraine. The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) together with the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Embassy of Ukraine in Sweden hosted a fundraising event and discussion on how to provide intellectual and humanitarian support to faculty members, researchers, and students working within and outside Ukraine’s borders.

SITE board member Veronika Bard in an interview with the daily Swedish newspaper SvD “What we see is totalitarianism"

01 April 2022
Former Swedish ambassador to Moscow and the OSCE Veronika Bard declares the OSCE project dead, calls for a Swedish-Russia strategy and warns against underestimating the Kremlin's political leadership.

Why does Sweden still send financial support to Russia?

25 March 2022
Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Swedish financial support to Russia has become questioned. Anders Olofsgård, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), explains why we need to understand what that support is actually financing and what its purpose is.

Trading favors? UN security council membership and subnational favoritism in aid recipients

23 March 2022
SITE researchers Maria Perrotta Berlin and Anders Olofsgård together with SITE research affiliated faculty Raj M. Desai (Georgetown University and Brookings Institution) examine the effect of a country's membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the subnational distribution of World Bank aid. They find support for the hypothesis that aid recipient governments are better able to utilize aid flows for political favoritism during periods in which they are of geo-strategic value to major donors.


03 March 2022
The Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies (FREE Network) stands for peace, security and democracy and condemns Russia’s invasion of the independent and democratic nation of Ukraine and violation of international law.

Swedish financial support to Russia

01 March 2022
Given the current situation, Swedish financial support to Russia has been put into question. This was recently discussed in the major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, in an article in which Anders Olofsgård, Deputy Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), was interviewed among others.

Boosting the Creation of Jobs in African Economies: What can Policy do?

10 February 2022
In a recently published paper, Céline Zipfel, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, with Oriana Bandiera (LSE), Ahmed Elsayed (IZA), and Andrea Smurra (UCL), presents facts on labor markets in Africa and discusses policy priorities for boosting the creation of salaried jobs for young adults.

Does Sweden benefit from providing development aid and what does research really say about the effects of development aid?

04 February 2022
There are claims that development aid is ineffective and does not yield results. What does research say about the effects of development aid? SITE Deputy Director and researcher Anders Olofsgård provides his insights in the latest episode of "Biståndskvarten - Om forskning och fakta" by ForumCiV.

How will climate change and the need for energy transformation affect environmental policy in Eastern Europe?

10 January 2022
The need for urgent climate action and energy transformation away from fossil fuels is widely acknowledged. Yet, current country plans for emission reductions do not reach the requirements to contain global warming under 2°C. What is worse, there is even reasonable doubt about the commitment to said plans given recent history and existing future investment plans into fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure development. This policy brief shortly summarizes the presentations and discussions at the SITE Development Day Conference, held on December 8, 2021, focusing on climate change policies and the challenge of a green energy transition in Eastern Europe.