Financial markets and corporate decisions
The Swedish House of Finance Annual conference took place on August 19 - 20, 2019, this year on Financial Markets and Corporate Decisions.

The Swedish House of Finance was pleased to invite all interested to a conference on “Financial Markets and Corporate Decisions” that took place on August 19-20, 2019, in Stockholm.
Conference theme
The aim of this conference was to examine the flow of information between firms and financial markets. The flow of information happens in both directions, as managers respond to asset prices and changes in valuations while investors adapt their investment decisions in response to information about corporate actions and strategies. The conference brought together leading academics and practitioners to discuss recent research in this area.
The program included keynote addressed by
Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania
Jules van Binsbergen, University of Pennsylvania
Lu Zhang, The Ohio State University
Lukas Schmidt, Duke University.
Please see the program for more detailed information.
This was a two–day conference that brought together leading academics with participants from industry and government. The first day of the conference was primarily targeted at a non–academic audience. The second conference day consisted of academic research presentations.