The Serrano Database is a database with financial history on the company level since 1997. The financial data is based on financial statement data from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). In addition, there is history with general company data from Statistics Sweden (SCB), bankruptcy information from the Swedish Companies Registration Office, and group data from Bisnodes group register.

The Serrano Database covers most legal forms in the Swedish business community. (University license based; currently Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lund University, Umeå University, Uppsala University, University of Gothenburg, Örebro University, University in Gävle)
The unique principle for the contents in the Serrano Database is that there will be one data entry per calendar year for the respective field in the database for each combination of company (corporate ID no.) and year. In other words, each field in the database comes from the respective source's contents as of December 31 of the respective year. This main principal is what makes it possible to relatively easily follow groups of businesses, describe business trends and analyze the material with statistical methods.
The Serrano Database is built up with the help of an extensive framework that controls how the register data from the Swedish Companies Registration Office, Statistics Sweden, and Bisnodes own register may be compiled. An important part of the framework handles the necessity to, to a certain degree, transform and modify the underlying register data into comparable calendar year values. That primarily applies to the income statement and balance sheet included in financial statements, but other register data is also translated into calendar year values as needed.
The Serrano Database's data is thus adjusted and corrected and manages phenomena such as the following:
- Broken accounting periods
- Short and long accounting periods
- Omissions and gaps in a company's series of submitted financial statements Imputation for the latest year's calendar year values.
- Registration date and deregistration date (SCB) during a calendar year
- Conversion to calendar year values for stock data (balance sheet) and ow data (income statement).
- Rules for determining whether a business is active or not (AB and other business structures)
- Rules for what a newly started company is
Bisnodes Serrano Database is thus, contrary to the original and underlying registers with change transactions, a controlled and quality assured history database that has been developed on the basis of a statistician's needs and perspective. The database is updated twice per year, primarily in December, and a small supplement in May.
To access the Serrano database a fee charged on behalf of our vendor (Bisnode) in order to cover their direct maintenance cost. The fee for a university license is currently 50 tsek the initial year and for subsequent years 25 tsek per year.
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