Post Doc Position at EIJS
29 January 2020
We would like to announce the opening of a Post Doc position at the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics.
This is a 1-year scholarship funded position, with the possibility of another year extension. We are preferably looking for someone interested in the fields of International Business, Economic Geography, Business and Management, Business and Strategy or Japan’s Political Economy. We encourage research interest in any of the respective following areas:
Marie Söderberg i DN om Japans ekonomiska rävsax
26 August 2019
Marie Söderberg är chef för det Europeiska institutet för Japanstudier vid Handelshögskolan. I en artikel i DN berättar hon vad vi borde ha lärt oss av Japans ekonomiska rävsax de senaste 30 åren, och hur demografin i landet hindrar ekonomin från att ta ordentlig fart.
New Book "The EU-Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China: The Crises of Liberalism"
05 September 2018
A new book in the European Institute of Japanese Studies, East Asian Economics and Business Series with Routledge has just been published!
bunraku (Traditional japanese marionette Theatre) performance on April 20 at sse
29 March 2018
This year, 2018, Sweden and Japan are celebrating the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
The European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS), the Japanese Association in Stockholm (JFS) and Stockholm University (Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies) would like to invite you to a special workshop with a Bunraku troupe from Chiryu City (Aichi, Japan).
Bunraku, that is, traditional marionette theatre (also called Ningyō Jōruri) and this group, Chiryu-dashi-bunraku-hozonkai was recognized by UNESCO as World Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016.
Please join us and enjoy the dolls’ dance at close range!
EIJS mourns the loss of its first Director Jean-Pierre Lehmann
05 January 2018
Jean-Pierre Lehmann passed away in Lausanne on December 21, 2017. Jean-Pierre, a French-American, was head-hunted by Staffan Burenstam Linder, to lead the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), which, after years of fundraising in both Sweden and Japan, was inaugurated in September 1992. JP, as he was generally known, was a major intellectual with a PhD in History from Oxford and a background in Asian, and Japanese studies.
SMS Best Reviewer Award (again) to Ivar Padrón Hernández
29 November 2017
JSPS Fellowship and STINT Award to Ivar Padrón Hernández
06 September 2017
Ivar Padrón Hernández, Ph.D. candidate at the European Institute of Japanese Studies and the Department of Marketing and Strategy, has received a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for research at Keio University.