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Roy, Sofie

Senior Executive Vice President
President´s Office

As a leader I think my most important task is to encourage and support the employees to grow by taking their own initiatives and moving things forward. To be able to do this the vision and goals must be clear to everyone. I value three things highly:

  1. Trust - I delegate but don’t abdicate. I strongly believe that by giving each and every one the trust that they do the best they can, they will also both take the responsibility, do a better job and grow as a person. 
  2. Transparency - I expect us to be honest with each other and inform each other about what is going on. This requires that we give each other feedback. It's about having the courage to talk about things that go wrong because that also helps us learn from our mistakes and make us grow together.
  3. Availability - I value highly to be both present where I currently am and accessible via phone, mail and text. Being available also means that I want to be able to focus on meetings that I'm in and be well prepared. I therefore don’t want to go to meetings without an agenda. This is a waste of time for everyone and we don’t have that time to waste.