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Stockholm School of Economics puts happinBxachelor students

15 May 2024
The Stockholm School of Economics is making a big commitment to promoting wellbeing among its students. Starting in August, the School will be the first in the world to offer all new bachelor students a crash course in happiness and wellbeing.

New project to look at alumni happiness

02 May 2024
How does your career choice and life situation affect your happiness? The Stockholm School of Economics is launching a new initiative to study the wellbeing and happiness of its alumni.

SSE President Lars Strannegård receives leadership scholarship

25 April 2024
The President of the Stockholm School of Economics, Lars Strannegård, has been awarded a Leadership Scholarship by The Swedish Employers' Alliance (Arbetsgivaralliansen). He was presented with the award yesterday during the annual general meeting of the alliance.

SSE broadens recruitment in Rosengård

25 April 2024
With the goal of inspiring youth and broadening recruitment to academia as well as the business world, F1RST Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with the municipal housing company MKB, is launching a summer school initiative in Rosengård – Summer Camp. The program provides youths with summer jobs, role models, and tools to become future leaders.

Håkan Lyckeborg presented with life-time award after 50 years of teaching

22 April 2024
Long-time SSE lecturer Håkan Lyckeborg received a Special Lifetime award for outstanding pedagogical achievements. He has been a lecturer at SSE since 1974.

Lidl joins the SSE Corporate Partnership Program

18 April 2024
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is excited to welcome Lidl to its Corporate Partnership Program. This partnership bridges academia and industry, offering students and faculty valuable insights into retail management.

Executive MBA-utbildningen stärkte Ninas karriär som hållbarhetsstrateg

17 April 2024
Efter sexton år på H&M Group, varav flera år som hållbarhetsstrateg med fokus på cirkulärekonomi, transparens och hållbara affärsmodeller, kände sig Nina Shariati redo för att utvecklas professionellt genom att gå en Executive MBA-utbildning på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. För Ninas del var SSE MBA Carl Silfvén-stipendiet en viktig möjliggörare för att hon skulle kunna gå utbildningen som både bidragit med ny kompetens, inspiration, kontakter och extra mod.

Workers benefit from automation and AI – if they can influence the process

17 April 2024
How can both workers and firms benefit from automation and AI? The Swedish industry offers important lessons, according to a doctoral thesis from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Paolo Sodini awarded new professorship in finance

16 April 2024
The Stockholm School of Economics is establishing a new professorship in Finance, the 25th Anniversary Professor of Finance, to be held by Professor Paolo Sodini. The new chair is made possible by a donation from Anne Weidemanis Mägi and Joakim Weidemanis.

Strengthening Sweden’s total defense through new research collaboration

15 April 2024
Society’s crisis preparedness rests with public and private entities alike. However, the duties and obligations of private companies are not clearly defined, and preparedness is limited. The Swedish Defence University (SEDU), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) are now launching a joint research collaboration to clarify and develop the central role of the business community in Sweden’s total defense, improve collaboration between public authorities and the business community, and strengthen societal crisis preparedness.