Studying AI@Work: Lessons from the field - 8 Jun 2023
During this academic event Marleen talked about her research projects on AI@Work and in particular about using a holistic practice-based perspective as well as the use of ethnographies to study how AI is developed, introduced and used in organizations. She included the lessons that she and her colleagues learned while getting access, study the phenomenon from various angles and get published. She also briefly touched upon the new wave of generative AI and what research questions and methodologies are needed to study its use in the context of work.
Marlene Huysman holds a chair in Knowledge and Organization and is Founding Director of the KIN Center for Digital Innovation at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She studied Sociology of Work and Technology and has a PhD in Business Economics on the topic of Organizational Learning and IT. Marleen leads the AI@Worklab and is passionate about the use of ethnographies to go beyond the hype of emerging technologies, such as in the past knowledge management, social media, communities and nowadays: AI. Her research has been published in various international journals and books.
This seminar represented an integrative and important part of the House of Innovation's strategy to build a research environment through engagement with prominent guests and their work.
This seminar was part of the Academic Seminar Series offered in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship.
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