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Higher Seminar in Statecraft and Strategic Communication | Magnus Petersson

NATO Membership and Sweden’s Room for Maneuver


Abstract: Room for maneuver is essential in all policy making. To be restricted, bound or even forced to specific policy choices on beforehand is commonly seen as negative from a policy maker perspective and more generally from a democracy perspective. A common view is that the room for maneuver in Swedish security policy will decrease substantially as a NATO member, regarding specific issues such as disarmament, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and foreign aid. But also in a more general sense regarding foreign policy choices, military-strategic planning, and the role as a credible conflict mediator. But is that actually the case? How, and to what extent, will the Swedish NATO membership impact the room for maneuver in Swedish security policy?


Bio: I am Professor of International Relations and Head of Department for Economic History and International Relations at Stockholm University. Before that I was Analyst at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) 2020-2021, Professor of Modern History at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo (2008-2020), and Lecturer, Researcher, and later Director of Studies, and Head of Research and Development (1998-2008) at the Swedish Defence University. I defended my PhD Thesis about Swedish- Norwegian security relations 1949-1969 at Stockholm University in 2003, and I am since 2011 Associate Professor of History at Stockholm University. My research interests are Swedish, Nordic, European, and Transatlantic security and defence policy. 


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CSSC Research seminar