Urban Funered

Urban Funered is CEO of the Swedish Securities Markets Association. He is a Board Member of SwedSec Licensiering AB, The Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market, the Swedish House of Finance, the Nordic Securities Association (NSA) and the International Council of Securities Associations (ICSA) as well as a Member of the Euroclear Sweden Market User Committee and the ESMA Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG).
"I wish to contribute by seeing where connections could be made and contacts could be established between the excellent researchers linked to SHoF and relevant financial market players in and outside of Sweden, and also by contributing to the discussion about interesting areas of research. Stockholm is an important regional financial center with sophisticated large and medium sized as well as niche players in many financial sectors, providing data that is a gold mine which could be used even more for qualified researchers in financial economics."