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Cost overrun and procurement competence in Sweden

03 June 2020
Sweden lacks both statistics and skills that enable better procurement. A statement by SITE's researcher Giancarlo Spagnolo in a new report that calls for better education and career opportunities for public procurers in an interview with Dagens Samhälle.

Leniency and Damages

25 February 2015
by Catarina Marvao and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Paolo Buccirossiy), SITE Working paper

The EU Leniency Programme and Recidivism

08 September 2014
by Catarina Marvao, SITE Working Paper

The Distortionary Effects of Fines Based on Revenue

09 September 2013
by Giancarlo Spagnolo (with V. Bageri and Y. Katsoulakos), published in The Economic Journal

Fines, Leniency and Rewards in Antitrust

10 November 2011
by Chloé Le Coq and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with M. Bigoni and S. Fridolfsson), published in the Rand Journal of Economics

Corruption and Political and Economic Reforms: A Structural Breaks Approach

06 January 2008
by Anders Olofsgård (with Z. Zahran), published in the Economics & Politics