SNS/SHoF Finance panel: Are mortgage ceilings and amortization requirements designed correctly?
How have measures such as mortgage ceilings and amortization requirements worked so far? Are they effective as consumer protection and to reduce macroeconomic risks or is there a need for change?

The committee "Overview of borrower-based macro-supervisory measures" has, on behalf of the government, analyzed which macroeconomic risks are associated with household indebtedness and how, for example, mortgage ceilings and amortization requirements can counteract these. It has also examined whether it is possible to design the amortization requirements more effectively in the future.
At the seminar, the committee's chairman, Peter Englund, presented the investigation's conclusions. In the following discussion, we discussed what the conclusions would mean for households and the financial system, as well as possible consequences for housing prices and construction.
Peter Englund, Professor Emeritus at Stockholm School of Economics and SHoF Researcher
Christina Nyman, Chief Economist at Handelsbanken
Stefan Ränk, CEO at Einar Mattsson
Jon Thor Sturluson, Chief Economist at Finansinspektionen
The seminar was held in Swedish and moderated by Jacob Bursell, journalist.