Erika Eliasson Ekberger

Erika is an entrepreneurial fintech executive with almost 20 years experience of financial markets. She has previously been Deputy CEO at Lendify and chairwomen of the Swedish FinTech Association. She is currently founder of Arith as well as board member of Kameo, Catella Property Fund Investment AB and Wellstreet FinTech Board.
"I always thought that Sweden has a big potential in connecting academia and the finance industry and I think there is an unleashed potential. Swedish House of Finance is a perfect platform where academia, decision makers, the established finance industry and the fintech industry can meet to share experience and thoughts. 65 percent of SweFinTechs members perceive the understanding of the Swedish fintech industry among politicians and decision makers to be low. Sweden has a fintech industry in the forefront but we need to work together within different part of the society to keep it that way. I hope to bring knowledge about both opportunities and challenges from the fintech sector to the SHoF´s Advisory Board. The potential for change is enormous when cooperation between fintechs, traditional banks, academia, decision-makers and authorities is deepened."