Financial supervision workshop
The 2018 Financial supervision workshop – legal and market perspectives on enforcement actions

This workshop brought together several of the world’s leading experts on financial supervisors enforcement actions for the presentation and initiated discussion of new research on the motives and consequences of these types of supervisory interventions. The purposes of the workshop were on the one hand to share new research, and on the other to begin the work of creating an international multidisciplinary network of researchers in law, economics and business administration with an interest in the causes and consequences of enforcement actions of financial supervisors.
A key point of the workshop were to account for the fact that financial supervision transcends traditional academic disciplines, and the program provides both legal and various forms of market perspectives to improve our understanding of the motives and effects of enforcement actions such as fines, public and private reprimands, cease and desist order or the revoking of licenses to operate. The program may include one or two additional presenters of new research.
We encouraged industry representatives to attend the morning program, but the conference was also open for those who liked to attend the academic sessions in the afternoon.
The conference were jointly organized by the Swedish House of Finance, Uppsala University and Stockholm Center for Commercial Law. We are grateful to Handelsbankstiftelserna for financial support.