Nobel symposium on “Money and Banking”
The goal of this Nobel Symposium is to discuss the insights from the recent convergence of theliteratures on money and banking, as well as future trends.

The conference brings togetherleading researchers in the fields of financial intermediation, monetary economics, andmacroeconomics to discuss their research in this area, both theoretical and empirical, and itsimpact on academic economics as well as on regulation and policy. The conference is organizedby the Prize Committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in the Memory ofAlfred Nobel, in cooperation with the Swedish House of Finance (SHoF). We are grateful to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for financial support.
Conference format:
The conference runs over 2½ days from morning Saturday May 26 to noon Monday 28. The first
two days consist of ten different sessions, each covering a particular topic in the area of “Money
and Banking”. For each topic, which runs for 1.5 hours, there are two presenters (25 minutes
each) and two commentators (10 minutes each), followed by general discussion. These sessions
will be open to attend for selected invitees, primarily academics but also selected policymakers
and practitioners with an academic interest. The third half-day is open to students and the
general public, and features two panel discussions on more broad topics and policy implications.
We are grateful to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for financial support and to Nobelstiftelsen for its corporation.