Conference on The Financial Safety Net
Are you looking for best practice in managing financial crises? Join us at FSNC in Stockholm, Sweden, May 18-20, 2015.

The Financial Safety Net Conference (FSNC) will gather leading academics, policymakers and practitioners for discussions on how to move towards global best practice in resolution planning and crisis management. The event is dedicated to some of the most topical issues in current financial policy debate:
- How should we handle future financial crises?
- How will the new and upcoming reforms in the crisis management area work?
- What implications will these reforms have for financial markets and the broader economy?
The conference is organised by the Swedish National Debt Office (Bank Support Authority), the Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank (Central Bank) and Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority) in collaboration with the Institute for Financial Research (SIFR).
Program committee:
Arnoud Boot (University of Amsterdam)
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Peter Englund (SIFR),
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Peter Englund (SIFR),
Martin Hellwig (Max Planck Institute, Bonn).