5th National PhD Workshop in Finance
The Swedish House of Finance is organizing the 5 th workshop for PhD students in finance on November 15-16, 2016 in Stockholm.

The workshop offers students from Swedish academic institutions the possibility to present their research and get feedback from faculty and fellow students. The workshop also aims to provide an opportunity to bring together faculty and PhD students in finance from all Swedish academic institutions.
Theoretical and empirical papers in all area of finance are welcome. Completed as well as preliminary drafts will be considered, and submissions of papers written solely by PhD student(s) are particularly encouraged.
The workshop will start late in the morning on Tuesday, November 15 th, and run until early afternoon on Wednesday, November 16 th . The workshop will be held at the premise of SHoF, Drottninggatan 98, 111 60 Stockholm. The workshop format will be PhD student presentations, each followed by a discussion. There will be a workshop dinner on Tuesday evening.
There is no workshop fee. Traveling expenses and accommodation of presenting authors and discussants will be covered by the organizers.
Papers will be selected based on a review by the Program Committee. The submission deadline is October 8, 2016, and there is no submission fee. Please submit your paper in pdf format to Jenny.Wahlberg.Andersson@hhs.se. Authors will be notified of the Program Committee's decision by October 22, 2016.