Ingrid Werner

Ingrid M. Werner is the Martin and Andrew Murrer Professor in Finance at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business. She has a PhD in Economics from the University of Rochester and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from Stockholm School of Economics.
Professor Werner is currently the President of the Western Finance Association and a Director of the American Finance Association, and she is a Past President of the European Finance Association. She is an independent director of Dimensional Funds and of the Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund, and is a member of the FINRA Economic Advisory Committee. Professor Werner serves on the prize committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. She chairs the scientific advisory board of the Swedish House of Finance, serves on the board of Mistra Financial Systems, and the scientific advisory board of the Danish Finance Institute. Professor Werner serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals, including the Journal of Finance,Journal of Financial Markets, and European Financial Management.
Professor Werner’s research interests range from international finance to market microstructure. Her research has been published in top-tier economics and finance journals such as Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Economic Theory. In the international finance area, she has worked on home bias and cross-border securities trading. In the market microstructure area, she has studied a range of topics: cross-listed securities; interdealer trading; floor trading; institutional trading; short-sale trading strategies; the effect of suspending short-sale price tests; dark pool trading; and liquidity and disclosure regulation in OTC markets. Current research projects include tick size, trading fees, and liquidity and asset pricing.
Professor Werner currently teaches Trading and Markets to Fisher graduate and undergraduate students. She has taught at the graduate level at Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Ohio State University, University of Michigan, University of Toronto, Bocconi University, and the University of Bologna.