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2019 conference

The Economic Consequences of Trade, Finance and FDI

Stockholm China Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics
National School of Development, Peking University

Beijing 29-30 August 2019

Venue: 2nd floor, Wanzhong Building, National School of Development, Peking University


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August 29, 2019

9:00-9:10 Brief Introduction
Prof. Miaojie Yu, Peking University
& Prof. Anders C. Johansson, Stockholm School of Economics
Chair: Prof. Miaojie Yu, Peking University
Keynote Speech
Prof.  Jianhua Lin, Former President of Peking University
“China Merchants Group: Current Trade and Investment Policy and Performance”
Dr. Zhibao Qu, Deputy Director, Development and Research Center
9:45-10:05 Group Photo & Coffee / Tea Break 
10:05-11:25 Session 1
Chair: Prof. Yanrui Wu, UWA Business School
“Trade and Innovation: The Role of Scale Effects and Competition Effects”
Prof. Miaojie Yu, Peking University
“The Impact of the US-China Trade War on Japanese Multinational Corporations”
Prof. Hongyong Zhang, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry 
11:30-13:00 Lunch 
14:00-15:20 Session 2
Chair: Prof. Xifang Sun, South China University of Technology
“Comparative Advantage, Competition, and Firm Heterogeneity”
Prof. Hanwei Huang, University College London and City University of Hong Kong
“Expressways, Market Access, and Industrial Development in China”
Prof. Jing Kecen, Nankai University
15:20-15:40 Coffee / Tea Break 
15:40-17:00 Session 3
Chair: Prof. Jie Li, Jinan University
“Trade Shocks and Chinese Students in U.S. Higher Education”
Prof. Mingzhi Xu, Peking University
“Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment and Human Capital”
Prof. Xin Wang, Peking University 
August 30, 2019
9:00-11:00 Session 4
Chair: Prof. Anders C. Johansson, Stockholm School of Economics
“Cultural Diversity and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China”
Prof. Yanrui Wu, UWA Business School
“Foreign Direct Investments by Capital Arbitrage Models: The Loss of Their Validity and China's Special Case”
Prof. Nico Stöckman, University Paderborn
“Firm-to-Firm Trade along the Global Value Chain”
Prof. Xun Fan, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
11:00-11:20 Coffee / Tea Break 
11:20-12:40 Session 5
Chair: Prof. Mingzhi Xu, Peking University

“Trade Effects of the Chinese Manufacturing Production Subsidies”
Prof. Lijuan Yin, Jinan University

“Gender Effects of Trade Liberalization and Structural Change in China”
Prof. Feicheng Wang, University of Göttingen

12:40-14:00 Lunch 
14:00-15:20 Session 6
Chair: Prof. Xin Wang, Peking University
“Do State-Owned Banks Follow SOEs: Evidence from Bank Branching Behavior in China”
Prof. Xifang Sun, South China University of Technology
“Does Property Rights Protection Affect Export Quality?  Evidence from a Property Law Enactment”
Prof. Jie Li, Jinan University 
15:20-15:30 Closing Remarks
Prof. Anders C. Johansson, Stockholm School of Economics