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Asser Koskinen

Lecturer - Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology and Center for Data Analytics

Asser graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) as Master of Science in 2007. While still writing his master's thesis, he wanted to inspire newer students to be passionate about analytical thinking and thus started a path as teacher at the SSE. Over the years, Asser has had extensive collaboration with thousands of motivated students and has developed skills in explaining mathematics, statistics, and data analytics, in ways that spurs the student’s interest and helps them in their future careers. A lot of experience has been gained from working with other truly dedicated teachers, which has created a strong team of like-minded people.

Practical applications of mathematical and statistical models have been made to all fields taught at the SSE, and the teaching material has been progressively improved each year to include new modern applications in the ever-evolving field of data science. When encountering analytical problems, students are helped to visualize data, use fundamental laws to make accurate interpretation of its meaning and understand its usefulness for businesses. To encourage innovative thinking, a lot of emphasis is put on the value of data and to create an atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to join in meaningful, well-prepared discussions, to enjoy the process, stimulate their own thinking and share their conclusions with each other.

Although analytical thinking and pedagogy is Asser’s main passion, he is also very interested in including different cultures and personalities into his way of communicating. He got two separate one-year government sponsored scholarships to learn Chinese in Taiwan and China and has become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. This learning experience has helped him to express himself in a way that includes more minds.