Runsten, Philip
PhD, Lab leader
Philip Runsten is a PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics. His dissertation Kollektiv förmåga, en avhandling om grupper och kunskapsintegration was presented and defended in August 2011. The same year it was awarded HR-Research of the year. His book together with Andreas Werr, Kunskapsintegration: om kollektiv intelligens i organisationer, was nominated HR-book of the year in 2016. His continued research focus on knowledge integration between people working in knowledge intensive environments, characterized by complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty. His current research is on developing collective intelligence in micro-systems (team level), using digital support.
Philip previously worked in the consulting industry, starting his career at Accenture in 1988-95. He has been co-founder and manager of consulting and venture capital firms as Connecta, Deseven and Influence.
08-736 9476
Werr, Andreas
Professor Department of Management and Organization
Head of Department Department of Management and Organization
Andreas Werr holds the Lars Erik Lundberg Chair in Business Administration, especially Human Capital Management. He is also chair of the Center for HRM and Knowledge Work at the SSE Institute for Research (SIR). He earned his PhD at the Stockholm School of Economics with a dissertation focusing on the functions of methodologies in the work of management consultants. His current research interests focus on talent management, knowledge integration in knowledge intensive teams, failure sharing, HRM in professional organizations and the procurement, use and consequences of management consultants in their client organizations.
Andreas Werr has been involved in teaching on all levels, mainly within the areas of Management Consulting, Change management, HRM, the management of professional service firms and qualitative methods.
08-736 9742

Westling, Gunnar
Gunnar Westling has a background in leadership and management research at the Stockholm School of Economics. At SSE Executive Education, Gunnar mostly works with executive programs in the public sector, as well as “hybrid-organizations”, such as publicly owned corporations and sports-organizations. His expertise includes governance and control structures, change and change leadership, and ways to create shared understanding in management teams and boards.
Gunnar Westling
PhD students
Erling, Alexandra