Meet Our Alumni | Matilda Molander
14 November 2022
We caught up with Matilda Molander, alumna of the first edition of the course "Applied History: World Orders and Contemporary Challenges", which is offered by the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication.
Applying History III Now in Print
11 November 2022
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication has since 2020 offered the popular course "Applied History: World Orders and Contemporary Challenges" to BSc students at the Stockholm School of Economics. The anthology with student essays from the 2022 edition of the course can now be ordered from online bookstores.
Meet Our Alumni | Isak Axelson
07 November 2022
What is it like to be a student at the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication? How does the education help students realize their career ambitions? We spoke to Isak Axelson, who has just returned to Sweden from an internship at the United Nations in New York City.
Opening of the House of Governance and Public Policy
14 October 2022
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication is proud to announce its participation in the House of Governance and Public Policy at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Newsletter from the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication
06 October 2022
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication recently opened at the Stockholm School of Economics. Read more about our research, events, and career opportunities in the first quarterly newsletter.
Sixtensson on Homer's Odyssey
21 September 2022
Fredrik Sixtensson, postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication, participates in panel on Homer's classic work.
Meet Our PhD Students | Mara Balasa
16 September 2022
What is it like to pursue a PhD at the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication? We asked Mara Balasa, who is the center's first PhD student.
What pushed Sweden away from socialism?
09 September 2022
Rikard Westerberg writes in Engelsberg Ideas about Sweden's market turn
Westerberg writes about the Swedish election
22 August 2022
Ahead of Sweden's general election in September, Rikard Westerberg asks what lessons can be learned from the intensely contested 1948 election
New article by Dr. Rikard Westerberg
27 June 2022
New article by center director Rikard Westerberg in business history journal Enterprise and Society. The article discusses the investment strategies and dismantlement of the Swedish Wage-Earner funds in the 1980s.